Lost in the streets I’ve known like the back of my hand
Surprising what a few years away can do.
My mind has reset. Everything looks new.
Scars, memories erased
Do I want to go back?
Yes, or maybe no.
Lost in the streets I’ve known like the back of my hand
Surprising what a few years away can do.
My mind has reset. Everything looks new.
Scars, memories erased
Do I want to go back?
Yes, or maybe no.
Being me is a poem from my collection of poems and short stories ‘Under the Shade of the Banyan Tree‘. Check it out here.
Someone to lead
Someone to follow
Someone to hold my hand
To clear the path
Help me make my way,
through this wide wicked world.
Let us go for a walk, my friend.
Somewhere, anywhere,
In a forest, a park, a street, many streets.
Let us take turns we haven’t before.
Let us sit down on a bench
and talk a little or a lot,
or say nothing at all.
Let us walk for hours,
and wear out our soles.
— Simi K. Rao.
And then I want to walk down this path
That goes on and on
From my town to the next
Across cities and states
And countries
Oceans and seas
I want to see faces different from mine
Speak languages I haven’t heard
I want to feel
I want to know
I want to get out
I want to meet people
I want to talk
Employ my voice
Then the moment passes
Our bond transcends Time, Worlds and Space.
Our relationship doesn’t need a ceremony, or an oath, or witnesses, or a piece of paper.
It doesn’t need a special day, a reminder, or a note on the calendar.
It doesn’t need talk, work, gifts and or constant reassurances.
It is there when I need it, and I know it’ll always be there.
I can count on it at any time, I can make demands of it.
I can ask you to lay down everything else for me and you will
I will always be your daughter and you will always be my mother.
Thank you, Mom!
It’s there
If you could only see
You will find it
Feel it
It’s there
Like the strings of a piano
It floats in the air
Like the thoughts in your head
Like the wrinkles on your skin
It’s there
There there