Category Archives: Random poetry

Let’s go for a walk

Let us go for a walk, my friend.

Somewhere, anywhere,

In a forest, a park, a street, many streets.

Let us take turns we haven’t before.

Let us sit down on a bench

and talk a little or a lot,

or say nothing at all.

Let us walk for hours,

and wear out our soles.

Simi K. Rao.

Eternal Quest



And then I want to walk down this path

That goes on and on

From my town to the next

Across cities and states

And countries

Oceans and seas


I want to see faces different from mine

Speak languages I haven’t heard

I want to feel

I want to know

You Will Always be My Mother


Our bond transcends Time, Worlds and Space. 

Our relationship doesn’t need a ceremony, or an oath, or witnesses, or a piece of paper.

It doesn’t need a special day, a reminder, or a note on the calendar. 

It doesn’t need talk, work, gifts and or constant reassurances. 

It is there when I need it, and I know it’ll always be there.

I can count on it at any time, I can make demands of it.

I can ask you to lay down everything else for me and you will


I will always be your daughter and you will always be my mother.

Thank you, Mom!