Tag Archives: WIP

A Life Worth Living 2: When

solo man

1: Turn

When it began, I had no clue what it was or what I was in for.

I’d been up all night running tests on my final solar battery model and getting all excited with the results when a sudden sharp electric pain shot down the outside of my left arm and I yelled out. It was a cry—equally of surprise because I hadn’t done anything to cause it. Instinctively, I rubbed my elbow when I felt a burning sensation. As if I’d stuck my arm inside the fireplace. It was so intense that I burst into a sweat. I cradled my arm and rushed into the kitchen and grabbed one of Ruhi’s readymade ice packs from the freezer (the ones she used for her frequent headaches even though her OB had told her it was okay to take Tylenol in her condition but my darling wife didn’t want to take any chance with the health of our baby). The shock of cold did help ease the agony a slght degree that I was able to examine my arm to see if I’d been bitten by a spider or something else. We were getting an extension built – an extra room and bath for Ruhi’s parents and in the process a lot of the yard had been dug up. Besides, it was summertime, and the bugs were starting to show up everywhere.

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Important! For those who want to follow my WIP :)

R and B


To the faithful readers and followers of my WIP (work in progress):

I’ve chosen to move my stories to a couple of private blogs STELLARTALES and FLIGHTS OF FICTION. (You’ll also find the links on the right side panel of this blog.) These include R&B, Accidental Wife and a few others. If you wish to receive access please leave your email ID in the comment box below.

Thank you and Happy Reading,

Simi K Rao