Tag Archives: multicultural

It’s Here! The Cover of Milan – A Wedding Story!

Milan-cover (2)Yes! It’s finally Here!

The cover of my next book– MILAN- A Wedding Story 

‘Milan’ in Hindi meaning ‘a coming together’.

As soon as I saw the beautiful cover in red and gold depicting a traditional North Indian wedding procession where the bride in her doli (palanquin) is being transported to her husband’s house, I fell in love with it. And I hope you do too! Not just with the cover but with the story- A real- life fairytale!


When a daughter turns marriageable age, what should a responsible father do?
Easy. Wed her to the most suitable boy who comes knocking on the door.  Jai Bharadwaj, Madhu’s father and owner of The Serenity Tea estate in the idyllic Nilgiris would’ve probably liked to do the same, but being who he was, he had to ask her first.  What would she say?

The book will be out SOON!

Meanwhile you can read the first few chapters HERE!

And get my other books HERE!

‘Being Multicultural’- My first LIVE Radio interview :)


Its always fun to talk about something besides my books. In the below interview I got to talk about breaking down walls and building bridges. Check it out and you’ll get what I mean. 🙂

I had a great time talking to Larry and Robin on WOCA- AM Gainesville/Ocala Florida. It was broadcast LIVE this morning.

InconvenientRelations-web Accidental Wife Book Cover

You can check out my books HERE!

Inconvenient Relations Book 2 #Teaser 2 #AmWriting


Previous EXCERPT


“Damn this work!” Shan almost clobbered the keyboard of his PC. He was furious. “Finally! But at what time?” he grumbled sneaking another peak at his desktop clock.

‘An unforeseen error has caused this algorithm to malfunction. Can you rerun the program?’

Shan was puzzled. He was pretty sure that everything had been working perfectly on initial submission. Then what had come up in the interim? He ran the test again and sure enough it got stuck but without giving him any clue as to what had gone wrong, almost as if a bug had made its way into the system.

He spent the following three hours going over the entire program with a fine tooth comb. Finally his patience paid out when he discovered the culprit—a discrete piece of code that seemed completely out of sequence…

He frowned unable to comprehend that he had let such a trivial error slip by. It was so glaring and obvious that even a half-witted undergrad could fix it. So why hadn’t the rockstars of the testing team?

“Because they are morons. All of them! All talk and zero substance!” He yelled banging the desk with the heel of his palm so hard that it sent flying half of the bric-a-bracs he had managed to accumulate over the years.

Picking them up one by one from the carpeted floor he tried to console himself– ‘Always keep the inventors on their toes’ was the unspoken mantra at his work place adopted as a holy doctrine by each and every employee.

Perhaps I’m being too ornery, he thought while interpolating the necessary changes into the code then let out a long sigh. But what can I do…haal hi aisa hai!

A fond smile lit his face when he revisited the proceedings from earlier that evening.


Inconvenient Relations Book 2, Now and Forever, #AmWriting, the continuing saga of Ruhi and Shan, A tale of #Romance #Passion #Intrigue

Catch up with BOOK 1 at these LINKS!

‘Nothing is Impossible’- Excerpt from ‘The Accidental Wife’


NYC Skyscrapers. pic credit- Simi K. Rao

The Accidental Wife

Excerpt- Nothing is Impossible.


How long he walked or how far, he wasn’t aware, just that it was critical for him to keep his body in perpetual motion. When abruptly, amidst an enclosure of several tall shiny buildings, he was forced to come to a standstill. It was as if the looming giants had all ganged up and were hellbent in fencing him in.

Alarmed, he glanced around, searching the faces of his companions, but none appeared to share his uncanny experience. It must be in my head, he thought, closing his eyes and taking in several slow, deep breaths.

Then he looked up warily.

The mammoth structures of concrete and steel, they towered so high it looked as if they were scraping the sky—reflecting man’s eternal quest for the ultimate. And they were all beckoning to him, urging him to join them in their quest. Rihaan responded by drawing his hands out of his pockets, reaching up, craning with every fiber of his being. Yes, if he tried hard enough, he too could touch the sky. Nothing was impossible.


Accidental Wife Book Cover